Spanish Club In Person Class for Ages 6 & 7 in Grade 1 & 2
In The Spanish Schoolhouse, students enjoy a variety of individual and group activities designed to engage them in conversation and improve proficiency in reading and writing. The program will improve their current language skills and promote new ones. Children can join classes at any time during the school year.
Ages 6 - 7Offered
Fall, Winter, Spring, SummerDate and times
Payment Policy and Fees: Incorporated within the total cost is a $20.00 registration fee, covering administrative processing and facilitating our online submission system.
Cancellation Policy: We require a written notice of cancellation, provided at least two weeks in advance. It's important to note that while no refunds will be granted, The Spanish Schoolhouse will issue a school credit, which remains valid for one year. Withdrawal requests must be submitted in writing, with one full month's (30 days) notice.
Refund Policy: Please be aware that no refunds will be provided for absences due to illness, vacations, or any other form of absence from the program. Upon request, learning materials will be available. However, a full refund will be issued for classes canceled by the school, with no refunds for weather-related cancellations.
Make-Up Classes: Please be aware that the program does not offer makeup classes for any missed sessions. Fees will not be refunded for sick days, vacations, or any other form of absence from the program. Although no make-up classes will be provided, learning materials will be available upon request.
Administrative Forms: Before your child begins the program, please ensure that all necessary administrative forms are completed and submitted to the school's office.